Dirty Money Experiment

Sometimes, Nikki puts things in his mouth that he really shouldn’t. Like marbles. Or pennies.

I keep telling him why it is dangerous to put small things into our mouths, but he doesn’t always remember. I decided to take a different route – pennies are really dirty and you definitely don’t want all those nasty germs in your mouth.

The experiment was simple enough – place the confiscated 2p coin that a certain monster was certainly not about to lick into a small cup with vinegar and leave overnight. Just to be certain that all pennies are equally grimy, we put a 1p coin in, too.

The two coins in their vinegar bath.

The next day, we compared the coins with some out of my purse and Nikki was amazed at the difference in colour:

The middle coin is a completely different colour to the shiny cleaned pennies.

We were rather surprised to find that the clear vinegar turned blue in the process, too!

The clear vinegar took on a distinctly blue hue!


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